Friday, March 10, 2006

Snow cancels Uphill Time Trial

Top: Bill Elliston climbing up the Tollhouse Time Trial Course
Bottom: The Team rolls along in a warm up before hitting the TT Climb.

The uphill time trial that I have been looking forward to has been cancelled. Supposedly it snowed up on the climb last night so there will be no climbing this entire weekend of racing. All the stages are going to be flat now. Lame! The promoters are asking everyone to ride the same bike that they were planning on riding in the uphill TT. We only brought two TT bikes and we have 12 guys racing. Looks like I will be losing some time today on the FLAT time trial. I will give it my best. I haven't done a TT yet this year. Looks like I will get a crash course on my form today. My pick for the flat TT among the teammates, Wells first, Colby next.

Yesterday was an epic day and wasn't the best prep for racing. We drove all over to get the team together and then rode the climb. I am on a new bike that needs some adjusting to. Nothing like a National road race to get your stuff figured out in a hurry. Ken "Dizzle", the team Director, had a night from hell. He woke up in the middle of the night itching and the next morning had bites on his calves. Dizzle either has Fleas or a case of bed bugs in the hotel, gross! I would lose it and set fire to the mattress in my hotel room if that was me. He handled it and they gave him brand new bedding (including blankets) and a new mattress.

Wish me luck today! I will try to throw up a post a little later. Still trying to figure out the audio blog so I can just call in and update the site when I can't get a web post up. Stay tuned as the season begins today!

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