Saturday, March 04, 2006

Hill Climbing

This morning I woke up at the usual 6:00 time, made some waffles with blueberries, had my cup of coffee to get rid of the addiction headache and noticed that it was cloudy out. The Weather Channel said 51 for a high degrees and partly cloudy. I looked out the window to see it was snowing! They never get the weather right here in D-Town. Luckily it stopped very soon and there was no accumulation.

I met up with the group ride at Bread the bakery. It was much smaller today with spring break underway and the college has a race in Colorado Springs hosted by the Air Force Academy. I needed to do some efforts again so we decided to go out the valley and climb all the way to Havolin Lake, then hit Hermosa climb, then up Red Ridge road at the end. I felt a little tired at first, but soon I was throwing down up Shalona toward Havolin Lake. I felt good up all the climbs and was able to hang with T Wells up Hermosa. He is riding good already and he just started doing intensity. He is chasing Olympic points this year for the mountain bike spots. I hope he gets one. I hadn't ridden Red Ridge road in a long time. It is real narrow and goes straight up a cliff, I am guessing it is at least 18% and probably more in some spots. My legs seized up and cracked because I was trying to turn over a 23. I was pretty smoked after that climb and succumbed to spinning another hour. Wells went out for another hour of intensity, WOW!

Tomorrow I start packing the bags to head out to Cali. I am starting to get excited to race. The time trial is 6.5 miles of climbing and looks steep at the end. I hope I have good legs!

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