Friday, March 03, 2006

Motor Pacing

I forget how hard it is to motor pace behind a car rather than a scooter. It isn't as physically hard, but you are pretty much riding blind. My brother (Zach) drove the car for me since I couldn't get a scooter to borrow. There are 50 cycling millioinairs in this town that have scooters to motor pace with and I couldn't round one up, lame! We went out the valley on CR250 and I averaged 45 mph except in the corners where my 92' new Subaru Loyale would nearly dive off the road. Sketchy! It was very stimulating to be going fast and the Subaru worked out great because of the gale force winds that blew through Durango today. I felt more opened up and could go much harder at the end of the ride.

I head to Fresno, California on Monday for a team training camp and my first NRC race with Target Training. We are racing as a team in the Central Valley Classic. I am very nervous and don't know what to expect. I feel pretty strong, but the form is not there nor should it be. I haven't done any races yet this season or many hard efforts. I am strarting to do some harder efforts just so it doesn't hurt so bad in Fresno. Sometimes you can pop good results though just from having a little fitness and the desire to race in the early season.

I noticed in my comments section that Josh Bezecny asked me what I meant by being a SNAG. If you aren't familiar with the term SNAG you soon will be. I plan to do an entire explanation on SNAG's and what they stand for. Stay tuned you may be a SNAG yourself!!!

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