Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Wild Cats!

I have been off the back in the updating of the website. I have to be honest, after having this site for over 5 years it is getting a little old. My camera is still out of commission and I don't want to have to bit the bullet to purchase a new one. They are expensive! You will have to be satistfied with the brilliant writing skills.

Here it is to sum up what has been happening lately: On my ride last week I saw a Lynx or a Bobcat, one of the two. This cat had a wierd tale and the ears were also strange. THe cat was no bigger than a small dog, I would say about 45-50 pounds, okay a middle sized dog. It was feasting on an elk on the side of the road. It took off when it saw my brother and I taking notice of it and scampered quickly up the hill. It blended in perfectly to the surroundings. It was pretty cool. I have not seen a cat in the wild.

The training has been going very well. I am much more fit than I was last year at this time. I am not peaking or anything, thanfully,but my overall base fitness is finally there. I haven't put in a good base in years. I am ready to be done, but happy to be logging some miles on the bike.

It is official, I will be doing the Tour de Georgia in April. I am super excited and motivated. I hope to have a good ride there and help my team out as much as I can. My tune up before Georgia will be Redlands. TO get ready I will probably have to do some local races as well in New Mexico and other surrounding local series races.

Snowdown is this weekend, I am going to keep it chill. The theme this year is Pirate. It is alright, but everyone is going to be wearing and eypatch, a sword, a bandana and a puffy shirt. I might dress up as a parot and have my roommate carry me around on his shoulders. Raley is in town as well, so watch out people!

That's really about it. I will try to update this more often with some pictures.

Friday, January 19, 2007

Enjoying my Rest week!

The question I have for you is how many people can you fit into a Ford Expedition? Well apparantly at least 14 people. My roommate, who is a police officer, made a routine traffic stop the other night on the highway through town. As he aproached the vehicle he noticed the car was sagging. He opened the door and low and behold, 14 illegal imigrants crammed in there. Not one of them spoke a word of english. They were peeing in a gas can so they didn't have to get out and be seen. Crazy story and they are now on thier way back to Mexico. I guess they were heading to Kansas for work.

I have been enjoying my rest week. It was much needed after the large Tuscon training block and the week after it. I have been skate skiing and riding a little all week. I have also been hitting up the local pint nights. I don't know what it is about beer, as you get older, you really start to enjoy beer. I used to hate it! I think I have a new disorder. I call it Althetic Induced Seasonal Alcoholism, or for short you can call it AISA. I am working on a pill that you can take to curb your seasonal drinking since there is a pill for everything else these days.

Congratulations to Troy Wells for breaking his wrap eating record. 6 wraps in like 27 minutes or something like that. I could probably do 4, but not six. He just came over after eating them all and said "I feel drunk". I guess that is what six wraps will do to you.

Well, I have to get my cowboy boots out. Cowboy up for cowboy night. No I am not a cowboy, but it is damn fun going to the cowboy bars all dressed up like an idiot cowboy. Some bright colored shirt and some super tight wrangelr polyester pants. Big old water'n hole hat, and the belt buckle as big as a trash can lid. Last day of the rest week, got to do it up right, bag on the wagon soon! Giddy up!

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Back in Durango!

I am back in Durango and back to shool. It is going well so far and one week is down. The training has been going great up until today when we received about 6 inches of new snow. I am thinking about throwing the cross tires on, but instead I will probably head up to Vaellcito lake to do some Skate Skiing. I even went out and got schnoquered last night at the local watering hole Joel's. The beer flows like wine down there and it ended up being a long night. Good times though and when you know it is going to be snowing all day and riding is limited, might as well throw down some booze and get the central nervous system firing again. I even managed to embarrass myself on the dance floor at the Lost Dog. I was out there carving moves on the dance floor with the white man overbite, pumping fists and shaking it all night long. Hung Over! Whatever, it was good training of the liver and you have to do it sometimes. I snuck out of the Lost Dog without getting in a fight or stabbed. It pays to have a cop for a roommate and I was rolling with him and some of his police buddies.

I went and saw the movie " Blood Diamond". It was o.k. except Leo's fake accent and it was a little predictable and cleiche. The name of the movie sounds lame too. Blood Diamond. It sounds like the movie Death Blow that Jerry films and bootlegs in that classic Sienfeld episode.

Well I am off to go crush myself out in the snow on the Nordic skiis. Should be a good time and I am sure all of Durango will be up there. I almost raced at the Nordic center at Purg, just to hung to make it out the door. Later!

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Soaking up the sunshine in Tucson

I am down in Tuscon with some of the Durango crew. I haven't been down here for about 4 years and the last time I was here it was with Kristen and Tom Danielson. That year we stayed at the Studio 6 and I guess it is kind of shady. Methlabs get busted their every night because all the rooms have kitchens so people get a room and make fried chicken and Meth. I came down with Alex Hagman and poached some floor space at the TargeTraining base camp with Crawford and Dicy Dub.

We had some lodging lined up, but it kind of fell through. Luckily some of the University of Arizona cycling team members hooked us up with some beds and we have a nice crib to hang out in for the rest of the week and aren't blowing a bunch of cash on a lame hotel room. We also have daily ride guides to show us the good riding. It is working out well so far.

I went to a local shop today and ran into Phil Zijacek. I can't spell his name. Anyway, he is already motor pacing and getting ready for the Tour of California. He wants to crack into the top 10. I heard he moved to Boulder as well. Another Boulder millionair. Dawg.

My camera is still broken so I have no photos. The weather is perfect here in Tucson and I can see why people move down here for the winter months. It is about 65 degrees during the days when we ride. In the summer though it is pure misery reaching 120 degrees!

I will throw out another update later that isn't so lame. The training is going well though now. Finally got my shit together and am on track. School starts next week. Get er donE!