Friday, January 19, 2007

Enjoying my Rest week!

The question I have for you is how many people can you fit into a Ford Expedition? Well apparantly at least 14 people. My roommate, who is a police officer, made a routine traffic stop the other night on the highway through town. As he aproached the vehicle he noticed the car was sagging. He opened the door and low and behold, 14 illegal imigrants crammed in there. Not one of them spoke a word of english. They were peeing in a gas can so they didn't have to get out and be seen. Crazy story and they are now on thier way back to Mexico. I guess they were heading to Kansas for work.

I have been enjoying my rest week. It was much needed after the large Tuscon training block and the week after it. I have been skate skiing and riding a little all week. I have also been hitting up the local pint nights. I don't know what it is about beer, as you get older, you really start to enjoy beer. I used to hate it! I think I have a new disorder. I call it Althetic Induced Seasonal Alcoholism, or for short you can call it AISA. I am working on a pill that you can take to curb your seasonal drinking since there is a pill for everything else these days.

Congratulations to Troy Wells for breaking his wrap eating record. 6 wraps in like 27 minutes or something like that. I could probably do 4, but not six. He just came over after eating them all and said "I feel drunk". I guess that is what six wraps will do to you.

Well, I have to get my cowboy boots out. Cowboy up for cowboy night. No I am not a cowboy, but it is damn fun going to the cowboy bars all dressed up like an idiot cowboy. Some bright colored shirt and some super tight wrangelr polyester pants. Big old water'n hole hat, and the belt buckle as big as a trash can lid. Last day of the rest week, got to do it up right, bag on the wagon soon! Giddy up!

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