Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Wild Cats!

I have been off the back in the updating of the website. I have to be honest, after having this site for over 5 years it is getting a little old. My camera is still out of commission and I don't want to have to bit the bullet to purchase a new one. They are expensive! You will have to be satistfied with the brilliant writing skills.

Here it is to sum up what has been happening lately: On my ride last week I saw a Lynx or a Bobcat, one of the two. This cat had a wierd tale and the ears were also strange. THe cat was no bigger than a small dog, I would say about 45-50 pounds, okay a middle sized dog. It was feasting on an elk on the side of the road. It took off when it saw my brother and I taking notice of it and scampered quickly up the hill. It blended in perfectly to the surroundings. It was pretty cool. I have not seen a cat in the wild.

The training has been going very well. I am much more fit than I was last year at this time. I am not peaking or anything, thanfully,but my overall base fitness is finally there. I haven't put in a good base in years. I am ready to be done, but happy to be logging some miles on the bike.

It is official, I will be doing the Tour de Georgia in April. I am super excited and motivated. I hope to have a good ride there and help my team out as much as I can. My tune up before Georgia will be Redlands. TO get ready I will probably have to do some local races as well in New Mexico and other surrounding local series races.

Snowdown is this weekend, I am going to keep it chill. The theme this year is Pirate. It is alright, but everyone is going to be wearing and eypatch, a sword, a bandana and a puffy shirt. I might dress up as a parot and have my roommate carry me around on his shoulders. Raley is in town as well, so watch out people!

That's really about it. I will try to update this more often with some pictures.

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