Tuesday, March 14, 2006


Top Picture: Cruising in the Valley during a recovery ride.
I took this same picture last week of Bakers Bridge overlook, minus the snow!
I went back to school today after a long break from the grind. It is good to be back and almost done with the semester. It is advising week and I met with my advisor to find out that I now have another semester of school before I can graduate. They just keep adding classes to my major and it is killing me. I am going to be a professor by the time I get out of there.
The team isn't going to Brazil to race so it looks like I might get bumped off the Redlands squad. They don't need me out there when most of the team is already in California. I will probably do some training races in the area if I can find some. I have commandeered a TT bike to practice on and a computrainer to find the best position on the bike to put out optimum power. That is what kills me in TT's, bad position.
I am still recovering from my trip and getting my life back in order. Today was a good recovery ride in the white winter wonderland. It was cold today and feels more like December than March with all the fresh snow. Not allot to report other than it is nice to be back in Durango playing in the snow rather than in the Fresno Ghetto!

1 comment:

Souza said...

Duuuddde! It's good to have your blog back...I was beginning to wonder if you had dropped off the face of the earth.

Congrats on all of your cycling successes lately. Keep up the good work...keep representin' Poky.

PS...Cali is nuts. I spent 2 yrs. around Redlands...you won't be missing much if you don't go. In fact, you'll probably be saving yourself a lung if you don't.
