Thursday, March 15, 2007


There are multiple recipies for Vegemite.
Standard Aussie Army Issue Vegemite.
After spending a week with four Australian's spreading some funk on their bagels in the morning, I had to do a little research. It is a Yeast based spread and apparently it is full of B vitamins. This is a major source of nutrients in the Aussie diet. They eat this nasty paste on everything. I didn't get a chance to try it, but eating a yeast spread can't be better than a smear of cream cheese can it? Maybe it isn't that bad. It is so popular there is even a cook book and the military eats this stuff out of tubes.
I am on a little rest block for the next couple of days. I am trying not to get fat, but my roomates keep putting a cake in front of me with strawberries and chocolate frosting. How am I supposed to avoid that. It is a wicked thing to do to a cyclist trying to maintain race weight, or at least chissle down a few kilos. The rice cake with peanut butter as a crutch is just barely keeping me from grabbing a handful of chocolate cake stuffing it in my face and chasing it with a half gallon of milk.
The weather is incredible right now and definitely out of season. We are having weather now that we usually have in May. I am not complaining, I enjoy the warmth and it is going to snow some more, don't worry to much people. Until next time!

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