Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Working on the climbing legs!

First, sorry for the lack of updates. I don't have any photos right now either. I know, lame updates, but I just can't carry my old tank camera around all the time. It is huge!
I have been hitting the passes allot lately and trying to get the climbing legs back. Last week I made it up into the passes a couple of times. I went up to just under 11,000 feet on Molass Pass. The legs are feeling better, but still, not good enough to hang with Danielson.
Saturday I rode with Danielson and Ned Overend. It was so cold and snowed on us. After about 45 minutes of riding we were cruising through ice water and slush. After flipping it, we hit the Cliffs climb and tried to climb with frozen legs. It hurt badly! We had a better ride the next day and I was able to hang with the old man Overend on the climbs. That guy is going good as usual. I think he could win the Iron Horse this year at 53. Unreal!
How about all the crack down on the Operacion Puerto guys! Finally something is coming of it and not just pointing the finger. Before it was just a bunch of talk and now it looks as though some guys are going to be out of racing for good.
My new mountain bike will be here in a couple of days. I am looking foreword to hitting the dirt and roosting the trails around Durango. They are so good right now. I might even do a mountain bike race for some training if there is one on an off week.
It looks like I won't be doing the Iron Horse this year. Thought I might be around for it this year, but I got a phone call and I am off to race the Tour of Sommerville in New Jersey. Then the schedule is a little in the air, I may do CSC and a couple days of Philly Week, or CSC and all the days of Philly Week. . Anyway, lots of racing soon. I am looking foreword to it. You can only train so much. Long update I know, more later.......

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