Sunday, December 31, 2006

Base Miles....Skiing!

I have the Holiday Blues right now where all I want to do is relax, eat, and not do much at all. I go through this every year about this time when Base starts. I get burned on the fact that I have to log all those long slow hours in the snow and cold. I get bored with base so quickly every year. I am already thinking about only doing one month of solid base before I start hitting it hard. It is to early.

We have been getting so much snow lately in Durango that is has been hard to ride. I have been doing allot of Nordic Skiing and even thought about going back to racing. I haven't done a skate ski race in about 8 years. There are a ton of really good skiers and I would get crushed, but it would be fun to give it a go.

I went up to see my family in Idaho for Christmas. I think the sun was out for one day out of the six days that I was home. They don't plow the roads in Idaho so you are on your own when it comes to driving around town or getting out for a ride on the raods. I forget how backwoods it is in Idaho. Crazy up there in polygamy country.

I am ready to get back in the groove of school and try to get' er done this next semester. I have some photos to post, but hte camera is not functioning properly. It is a Canon so imagine that. I am trying to get a mountain bike together so that I can do some training on the dirt this witner and spring as well and am thinking about doing the first NORBA National if it doesn't conflict with any big road races that Jittery Joe's might want me to do. Anyway, lame updates, I am kind of over the site. I will get some pics up soon and some more entertainment.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

No Cross Nats for me

Bike Polo pretty much explains all of the bike related activities I have been doing. I have been playing Bike Polo at least once a week and look foreword to it every weekend. I have only played 4 times in my life and already I feel like I am getting pretty good. Although yesterday's game I was having issues. At one point I went to hit the ball and my mallet went into my spokes flipping me over the bars. Brenden Vahey ( above Left) went over the bars twice trying to use his front brake instead of his rear.

So the cat is out of the bag now. I won't be in Providence at Cyclocross Nationals. The reason: I want to have enough time to rest up and be ready for a good road season. I am bummed that I won't be attending nationals, and for the first time in three years it looks as though it is going to be good weather wich is always a good advantage for me. I have never raced a nationals in good weather. I think I am making the right decision in my preparations for the best racing year of my life. I have big goals this upcoming season, and skipping nationals to start my base training a month earlier is going to set me up well.

I got my "Free Sager" wrist bands last night from the Real Joey Thompson. I will be rocking those during every event until Sager's stupid sentancing is upheld. I finished finals today and will be hitting base next week. More later

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Blue Steel, Le Tigra...Magnum! Backcountry Glamour

Stelicom USGP #5 Tacoma, WA 9th place
Start of Stelicom in, and off the back already!
I have taken some time off the bike lately in preparation for the 07 season on the road. I will be starting base a little earlier than my norm and taking a good break. All this in hopes of tearing off legs in Georgia. I am still trying to figure out how I am going to pull of Georgia since it lands on my last week of school. My professors are all awesome, so I am sure it is something I can manage.
This past week I have been practicing my male modeling on top of Molass Pass in sub zero temperatures. My roommate, Jay "crash" Rush, and I did a winter camping photo shoot for the Sierra Designs website. They sent the photographer a bunch os super nice winter gear. Everything from hats, gloves, to long undies and tents sleeping bags. Good thing they sent huge down parkas and warm ski pants. The gear was super nice.
The first time we went up it was definitely a winter camping scene. I felt like I was trying to camp out on the summit of Everest. It was so freaking cold already at a few degrees below zero, and then add the wind chill and it was unpleasantly cold. The gear was warm though but I had to change a couple times and act like it wasn't that cold out. There were some shot's were the snow was blowing so hard that we weren't even in the photo because it was a white out about 10 feet from the camera. Epic! So they got their winter camping scene.
We had to go back up on Friday and redo the camping scene all over. This time it was all sunshine and a heat wave at 15 degrees. It was great though with the sun out and was much warmer and a ton of fun. The pictures turned out good and my modeling skills were ten times better. I did crack once at the end of the shoot when it was dark and I was sitting around the camp kitchen. Jay and I were doing a fake study of the map with our headlamps on. The photographer, Chris Giles, told me to look at Jay. I looked over at him and just started laughing. I couldn't stop laughing for the next 10 shots because the scene was so Broke Back Mountain. I was cracked. Finally, I regained my composure to finish the shots.
Got some good gear coming out of the photo shoot. It was well earned after risking my life at near death freezing temperatures. Only two weeks of school left in the semester. I am looking foreword to a break and possibly heading south to some warm training weather. Today I have to get ready for a mean game of Bike Polo. If you haven't played, you should check it out. It is a blast. Until next time!